Greenport Rescue Squad, Inc.
Please contact us via the phone numbers below or use our non-emergency contact form.
Emergency: Dial 911
Operations: 518-828-5175
Office: 518-822-8511
Physical Address
Mailing Address
PO Box 275
Hudson, NY 12534
Contact Us (Non-Emergencies)
Schedule a Tour
Interested in seeing how we operate and getting an up-close view of all the tools and technology we use every day to help save lives? Then take a guided tour of our station and see what really makes us tick! Our guided tours are perfect for school field trips and Scout meetings; they are a perfect way to show young, growing minds all the helpful things that can be done for the community’s sake. Schedule your tour today and come away with a new appreciation for the vital services our staff provide.
Training & Certification Requests
Few skills are more important to have than emergency response skills, and they can mean the difference between life or death in the event of an accident. We’re proud to offer multiple courses in CPR, First Aid, AED and Stop the Bleed training. It doesn’t matter what your level of skill or base of knowledge is, we can offer the proper training or certification for you. Contact our ALS Coordinator at 518-822-8511 x 104 today to learn more about various programs and set up your first lesson.